Clubs & Opportunities
Interesting Opportunities
The school receives information regarding countless extra-curricular opportunities for our pupils to take part in with their families. Below are a few of the most popular options. For more fun days out suitable for SEND children and their families, check out our recommended activities below.
Recommended Activities
Extra-Curricular Activities
All after school clubs operate from 15:00-16:00. We ask parents/carers to please ensure that suitable and prompt pick-up arrangements have been made to ensure that collection takes place efficiently and on time. Please also be aware that clubs will only be cancelled in the most severe of circumstances. Additionally, please note that clubs will not take place when they fall on the last day of term/half term.
If your child is enrolled but unable to attend a club, please inform the school office as soon as possible, so the information can then be passed to the supervising member of staff and your child’s class teacher. It may also be prudent to inform the escort on school transport, if your child travels to and from school that way.
Breakfast Club runs every morning between 8 am until registration at 8:40 am and is charged at £2 a day. To make a booking please visit your Pay360 homepage or click here.
Years 7 - 11
£3 charge
Football Club
Years 7 - 11
Years 7 - 11
£3 charge
Trampoline Club
Years 7 - 11
Years 7 - 11
£3 charge
Years 7 - 11
£3 charge